365 Questions--March 29

What are you struggling with right now?

 Right now. Honestly I'm really struggling with unforgiveness. When things happen to me and people betray me I just move on like it never happened. That person doesn't exist to me anymore. It's all good until I see them again. Then it's like the bandage is ripped off and I don't handle betrayal well at all.

I talk about PCOS so much on this blog, but that was a very, very traumatic experience for me. Seeing the man that would've been my "child's" father after 2 years of not speaking put me in a really weird head space, especially when he made comments about me being heavier than the last time he had seen me, and it really pissed me off. How can you mention my weight when you know that I gained about 70 pounds within a 9 month period ?????  He has no idea what I've been through, but he knows enough because he had been talking to someone close to me about me. It just doesn't make any sense. I can't take the nonchalant attitude especially when it's not something that I can be like "yeah whatever" about.

Maybe that's what made me so mad. It's not the fact that I've had to see him. It's the fact that after everything that happened, he's like "yeah whatever. Let's act like nothing ever happened," about it. To minimize something that drastically changed my life. I would've been okay if he wouldn't have said anything to me at all.
