365 Questions--March 28

Who is your current role model?

Honestly, I would have to say my boss. I'm not sure if you guys know or not but I just started a second job last month, and I absolutely love it. My boss is amazing. She owns her own business and she's really active within the community. Everybody here knows her. She's just really, really positive. It's great that she's at like a "boss" status but yet she's so humble. When I started working for her I wasn't really sure how it was going to go, but I know that God put her in my life for a reason. 

Before I started working for her, somehow I ended up at one of her events. I don't even know how I found out about the event. I remember paying for the ticket online, but there was an email that went out for me to pay the ticket. I have no idea why or how I got the email. Funny thing is, it was a vision board event. I had just decided to make YSF a blog the night before the event. Of course the blog was on my vision board. I never mentioned to her what YSF was until a couple of months down the line, and she supports me to the fullest with that. 

I love the fact that she believes in my dreams. My whole job is about her, but she still care about what I want to do. That's so awesome. I've never had a job that wanted me to grow into something much bigger.

P.S. If you're looking to start a business or need help with growing your business, check out r3unlimited.com. Tell her Briana sent you. 
