365 Questions--March 25

What is an unforgettable moment in your childhood?

Making decisions like this is always hard for me smh. I would have to say any time I was down in St. Pete with my cousins. I love being in St. Pete. When my cousins and I get together it's always something. It's been like that my whole life. 

I can remember one time when I was 5 or 6, a few of my cousins came up to Augusta for some reason. I can't remember why exactly, but all of us were going to drive down to St. Pete together with my mama. My cousin Tasha had to be around 18 or 19 at the time so she hadn't really been driving that long. My mama let her drive part of the way down. Tasha was getting tired I guess, and she kept hitting the reflector things in the road. I remember my cousin Sheika telling her not to do that, but Tasha said that was keeping her awake. 

All of a sudden, the tire blows out. It's pitch black outside. My mama was the only adult. This is back before cell phones were really being used. So it's my mama, my cousin Sheika, my cousin Toya, my cousin Sherri, my cousin Tasha, and my baby sister. I still have no idea how all of us fit in that Jeep, especially considering DeAisha was still in her car seat. I remember Sheika taking the stuff out the trunk to get to the spare tire, but because we were on the highway people were flying by and the stuff was going everywhere.

 Out of nowhere Sherri goes "Be careful. We're out here in the woods. It might be snakes out here." I started panicking because I am terrified of animals. So I locked the doors. In my mind, locking the doors was going to keep the snakes out, but I also locked everybody except my sister DeAisha out the car because they were trying to get to the tire. It was a mess. My mama was trying to change the tire. My cousins and I were arguing through the window because I wouldn't open the door because I thought snakes were going to come in the car. It was a long trip to say the least. As soon as we got to my granddaddy's house I was telling it. I told him that they were going to let snakes eat me. 
