365 Questions--March 20

Make a list of 7 rules that you live by

1. Everything in life is subjective--The way I may think about something may be different for the next person. For example, the way I define love may not be how somebody else defines love. Concepts like that do not have a set definition. 

2. Don't put expectations on people--This rule kind of ties in with the first one. Expecting people to behave a certain way without having a conversation with them about those expectations is pointless. That's like expecting somebody to bring you food but you never told them you were hungry. You most definitely cannot expect people to be mind reader, and you can't expect them to be on the same page as you without a discussion. 

3. Always be honest--There is no point in lying about anything. Why is somebody so important that you can't just be honest? There is no one that is going to make me feel that insecure that I would have to lie about something, especially if I am a person of integrity. It would be different if I was doing shady things, but that's not even in my character, so I have no reason to lie. 

4. Silence is golden--This is very important to me. I'm a bit of a firecracker at times. I'm always ready to pop off. But I never just go after people, I have to be provoked to get to that point. A lot of times, I want to pop off or fight, but that's not always appropriate. Sometimes it's best to just be quiet and glow-up on people one time. I don't always have to have a point to prove. 

5. Keep things to yourself--Everybody doesn't need to know all your business. Personally, I will never give someone so much leverage on me. In the event that something happens, I don't need anybody to throw something in my face. Have you ever gotten in a fight with your significant other and then told your best friends? You and your boyfriend get over it, but then your friends don't. That happens with any situation. People are so quick to post something on social media, but then get mad when somebody comments on it. "Get out my business" is what they are so quick to say, but you put the information out there.SO when things happen, keep them to yourself. 

6. Make time for yourself--This is one of the things that I am still learning. I have so much going on and it's hard for me to turn off at some point. I don't do much for myself. The most I do is take a nap. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I just need a time to relax. Sometimes I just need a day of nothing so that I can regroup. 

7. Keep God first--The reason I made this the last rule is because 7is the number of completion. My life would not be complete without this rule. No matter how hard life gets, God has to be first. There is no life without Him. 
