Let's Talk Saturdays--Women are Loved Unconditionally

Per usual, this post is inspired by something that I saw on social media this week. So I just had the post below. 

Originally when I saw it, I was upset right away. I understand where the quote comes from, but I feel like it is very one-sided and biased. Women are expected to cook, clean, take care of the children, keep herself up, work, keep the man happy. Why? Because the vast majority of "men" (and I use that term very loosely) in this generation don't know how to do any of those things. Not only that, but when women don't provide all of those things "men" feel justified in stepping out. So no, I don't agree with that statement. That's not unconditional love. That is very much so conditional. 

Some men are idealists and cannot accept that everything is not going to perfect nor is there any perfect woman. If that statement was true, there wouldn't be so many scorned, insecure women walking around. A woman can offer a man everything but the kitchen sink, and that's still not enough to keep him. A man cannot say that he loves a woman, but treats her that way. That not love, and it most definitely is not unconditional love. A man will do whatever he wants to do. There goes that conditional love again.

Now...in the same breath I can say that there are "women" out there who only want men for their money and what they can materialistically give Is that right? Absolutely not. Maybe those things are offered because that is his or her love language. Personally, I'd rather get things on my own. I don' need a man to buy me gifts. I can get my own gifts. I need him to love me. There are so many women out there that accept situations just because of the materialistic perks. A man could be knocking her upside the head every day, but he's handing her new bags and shoes just as frequently. Sometimes all men offer are material things because they are cannot or are not willing to bring anything else to the table. So women love you for what you offer, not for everything that you are. 

But also, you have to consider the Biblical context.

1 Timothy 5:8 King James Version (KJV)

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
A man is supposed to provide for his family. So perhaps there is a breakdown in understanding. It's not that some women only love men because they provide. They love them because they do. If you go back to the post I made about a month about with the Ciara instagram post controversy. Many women felt targeted to behave as a wife, but there was nothing targeting men. This is what I meant when I said you have to do your research and not just jump because of 1 Bible verse. There are 56 books in the Bible, and you're upset about 1 verse. The same way there is a verse addressing wives, there are verses addressing husbands. The problem is nobody has standards. The key to all of this is holding your significant other to Biblical standards. Of course, they are not going to be perfect, but that does not mean settle either. Keep God first, and you will see Him give you those things you desire and He'll give you understanding of what love is because God is love. 
