365 Questions--February 27

Who is your celebrity crush?

Oh that's easy. Michael B. Jordan. I don't have to think twice about that one. Okay so I've always thought he was really cute on Friday Night Lights and The Wire. He wasn't really my type but honnnnnneyyyyyy when Creed came out.....I think I melted. He had a different swag (do people even say that anymore? 😂😂) about him. I felt like he really was Adonis like he was playing himself. I just kept watching stuff with him after that. I think I saw Creed in theaters like 3 times and then I bought the deluxe DVD when it came out. I bought the GQ issue he was in. Just reading the articles...there was something different about this celebrity crush. I guess because I watched more of his content than I have for any other celebrity. He just seems more relatable and not so Hollywood in his interviews. I can respect that, especially after the success of the films he's been in. I'm gonna sound like a complete psycho when I say this but he seems like somebody I could see myself marrying. Just hear me out....like if there was someone like him who wasn't famous, I'd be here for it. He's the perfect age. He seems very down to earth in spite of his success. I don't really care about the controversies he's involved in. He has a Northern edge that I love. He's not too Yank, but has a slight accent 😍😍 Okay okay I need to stop before I get myself worked up over him. But to make it make sense to y'all. It's like how people used to feel about Denzel Washington back in the day. 
