365 Questions--February 22

What change do you want to see in yourself?

I would like to be more understanding. Sometimes I can be very extreme in my thinking. Little things about people, snowball very quickly to me. When people do things to rub me the wrong way, it's like that trumps their entire history with me. I'm not very willing to give second chances to people and it takes a long time for me to forgive people and that's if I forgive them at all. Sometimes even if I forgive them,  I feed them with a long-handed spoon if you know what I mean. I refuse to give another chance to get my feelings hurt. I know I know, somebody is going to say "Forgiveness is for you, not them. They're sleeping at night." I get that. But to be completely honest, if I'm really that upset with somebody, they pretty much don't exist to me anymore. I don't acknowledge them anymore and I go on with my life. It's very cold-hearted, and I know I shouldn't be that way. That's why I want to change. Honestly, I don't like walking around expecting the worst out of people. I don't vocalize that thought, but if you watch you can definitely sense it. I'm very weary of trusting people. I don't want to be naive, but I don't want to feel like I'm constantly looking over my shoulder either. I want to be freed from this.

No more shackles
No more chains
No more bondage
I am free

--Eddie James
