Let's Talk Saturday's---Ciara Said it Best

Sunday afternoon I woke up from my afternoon nap to see social media going crazy over a post Ciara made (I'll link the story below). When I read the post originally, I didn't see anything wrong with what she said. To be honest, I still don't see anything wrong with what she said. For those of you who haven't seen the post, she posted a clip from John Gray saying: 

"Here's what the scripture says, 'He that finds a wife finds a good thing.' It didn't say 'He who finds a girl who he is attracted to who he then begins to date who he then calls his girlfriend who he then buys a  ring, proposes, and makes his fiancee, who he then marries later and becomes his wife. You're not a wife when I marry you, you're a wife when I find you...The wife is not the presence of a ring but the presence of your character. Too many women want to be married but walk in the spirit of a girlfriend. Ask the Lord to deliver you from that spirit and carry yourself like you're already taken. Carry yourself like a wife and a husband will find you."

There's absolutely nothing wrong with what was said. The issue was it stepped on some toes. Y'all remember the old saying "A hit dog will holler?" That's what happened here. People have been wanting to know how Ciara ended up with someone like Russell Wilson, and when she shares her secret, everybody gets their panties in a bunch, like she said something wrong. That's like people asking for people's body secrets and then when they tell them "eat right and workout," the person that asked dismisses them. What was the point of asking??? 

The one thing that got my attention was comments made by CiCi Adams (whoever she is). She was going on and on about what was said saying :

"Ciara is doing what many women do when they overcome trials and get married. She’s using her marital status as a weapon against women who are not married. And it’s clear that she’s tied her value and sense of self worth to her marriage, otherwise she wouldn’t have shared that."

"Ciara telling women to “Level up” and live “like a wife” so they can b married is astounding to me. Didn’t you need grace, mercy & compassion when you were being dragged up and down the Internet for the Future situation? How quickly ppl forget when they reach a perch of privilege"

"Y’all gotta “walk in the spirit” of a husband, okay?"

I'm going to be 100 with y'all. I read her to filth when I saw the comments, but I realized she probably has not had the proper leadership to understand what Ciara was saying. What it sounds like to me is that she's upset because she feels like there's nothing addressing men. There are PLENTY of verses addressing husbands, but you probably didn't try to find those verses. Maybe you just haven't been dealing with husband material (*sips tea*). Again, the blog written about changing your mindset comes into play. You can't expect to be somebody's wife when you have the mindset of a girlfriend. The fact that Ciara's past with Future was brought up was null and void. The reason she's not engaged to him anymore and is now married Russell Wilson is because her mindset had to change, sweetie. She had to stop settling and change her mindset. 

So many people are easily offended by wives, but for why though? The fact that John Gray was speaking on marriage in the first place is because there is a plethora of single women in the church. It doesn't matter what church you go to. There will always be more women than men. Regardless of if Ciara would've posted the video or not, it's in the heart of many women to be married. It may not have been CiCi Adams' desire, but that is somebody's desire. If you don't want to be married, good for you, but that's not everybody's desire. If it doesn't apply to you, why comment?

In order to be in a flourishing marriage, there has to be standard. You can't marry just anybody, and expect things to go accordingly.  The Bibles says "wives submit yourselves to your husband." Why would you want to submit yourself to a sorry, no good something that ain't gon lead you nowhere? That's why everybody was mad. I'm convinced. They submitted themselves to the wrong person and they had them on a slope ball to hell. So why keep doing the same thing and not using discretion in who you date? 

I'm sorry y'all. I don't wanna go in too bad on this girl so I'm just gonna stop myself now before I get mad lol. And for those of you who are wondering, no I'm not married. 


The one I was praying for
The one He delayed me for
The one He kept for me
Until it was time

--Maurette Brown Clark
