365 Questions--January 30

How do you plan in contribute to making the world a greater place?

I want to create a space where people don't have to be ashamed of their past. Too frequently the church ostracizes people because of what they've done. That is probably one of my biggest issue with the church. People are so pressed about how many people are in a congregation, but when people come forward wanting to give their lives to Christ judgement comes from every corner. It's not fair, it's not nice, it's not attractive, and most importantly it's not God-like. It's so funny how easily people forget their own pasts. Now some people have been in the church their whole lives, but I haven't and I'm not going to sit here and act like I've always done things right. The video below is really where I remembered why I started this blog in the first place. 

Now, of course it has been going around social media as a joke and I'm not gonna lie; it made me laugh at first. Then I thought about it, how they treated that woman was wrong. Now....what she said was...a lot. I think the reason they kind of dismissed her is because her admitting her sins made them uncomfortable. But my question is why are you uncomfortable? The beauty in this is her transparency. She's not ashamed to admit where God has brought her from. If the people there would be honest with themselves, they wouldn't be afraid to admit their sins either. Regardless of how nasty or graphic it could be, you still did it. And guess what..God say you do it. There's nothing that you can do that God doesn't see. 

All in all, I guess what I'm saying is I want to create an environment where people don't have to be afraid to give their lives to Christ due to the judgement of others. Accept where you are are and where you've been. That acceptance doesn't mean that you'll stay in that place. You can still move forward in God. 

I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead
I'm here to declare to You my past is over
In You all things are made new
Surrendered my life to Christ, I'm moving, moving forward

--Hezekiah Walker
