365 Questions--January 29

Reflect on a recent inspiring quote and what it means in your life

"I am not what happened to me. I am what I chose to become."

This particular quote registered with me recently. A lot of times, I replay things things that have happened to e over and over and over in my head. It's not healthy. When I feel down bout my situation, like I do quite often, it snowballs very quickly. It seems like things will never change, and if they do change it's like they get worse. I really struggle with feeling good enough on some days and it turns into I won't ever be good enough for the things that I desire out of life. So when I read that quote it reminded me, "Yes I've been through all of those things, but they don't define who I will be." Sometimes I forget that I'm not in those same places anymore. It's like I know, but my mind is still there sometimes. Because I've realized that, my prayer now is  "God renew my mind but don't ever let me forget where you've brought me from. Help me to remember that my latter will be greater."

Despite all that has been done
The best is yet to come.
And your latter will be greater 

--Israel and New Breed
