365 Questions--January 28

The last time you felt God's presence 

Since it is Sunday, I would have to say today. Any time I step into my church, His presence is already there. It's like He literally rests there. It's crazy because I get my peace of mind the moment I step into  Cathedral of Praise. I go through a lot and my mind never stops even when I'm sleeping. But when I come into COP, I get my reassurance that everything is going to be alright. I've been going there for a little over a year, and I can honestly say there has NEVER been a service where I had to question God's presence. Because of that, I've never questioned my decision to join COP. Everything just flows so well. I'm not really sure how to word it. I've been in churches before where everything was so forced and coerced. Like if the musicians stopped, the worship stopped immediately in other places. That's not real. If you are truly in God's presence, everything carnal has to stop because His presence is just that great. It kinda makes me laugh when I look back at the pictures the photographer took during services. I'm not one that likes to take a bunch of pictures and I am very aware when a camera is around me. The fact that there are so many pictures of my ugly cry face in the pictures from each service is hilarious to me.

In Your presence there's fullness of joy.
At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
No evil can stand where You are.
So I just need to be close, close to You.

--J.J. Hairston 
