365 Questions--January 24

Words you want to share with others

If I could tell someone anything it would be "Just keep swimming." It's really simple, and yes I got it from Finding Nemo. Just a quick note--children's movies have some great life lessons. Yes, I am one of those people who watch Disney movies all the time (I'm watching Mulan while writing this 😂😂). Now that I'm older I catch a lot of the side comments in the movies, and it's teaching me ne lessons. 

The reason I chose this particular quote is because I have noticed a loss of resilience in this generation. Things happen and people put their lives in park. I'm guilty of it too. About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and I hit the lowest place I had ever been in my life. I had gained about 60 pounds before being diagnosed, which was very unusual. It took all 4 years of college for me to gain 15-20 pounds, but I gained 60 in about 9 months. On top of all of that, I looked very very pregnant. The cysts had actually caused every single pregnancy symptom, and I had several positive tests. My doctors had told me to prepare for a baby. Then after my last ultrasound at 40 weeks, my specialist called me and told me that I wasn't pregnant at all, but I had cysts completely covering my ovary. I remember feeling like I was in a twilight zone. I felt like I couldn't ever recover from that. I quit my job, dropped out of school, and moved back home. Maybe for the first 2 almost 3 months, I didn't leave the house except to go to my grandma's house. 

But there comes a time where you have to take control of your life. Had I not made up in my mind that I was not going to stay in that same place, there's no telling what would've happened to me. I just might have lost my mind. You don't have to accept your circumstances, make up in your mind what you want and keep going. 

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