365 Questions--January 21

Write and process an event that has been troubling to you lately and define your thoughts about it

As you all know, I am not a fan of my job in any way, shape or form. It has been very difficult for me to just get up and go to work because I dislike being there so much. As of recently, I have been having quite a few issues with my supervisor. I've never had issues with her before, but now all of a sudden she has a problem with me and takes every chance she gets to go out of her way to be nasty to me. I'm not gonna sit here and act like my first thought was to pray about it. It wasn't. I struggle in areas just like everyone else does and one of my biggest struggles is my anger. When she says anything to me, I immediately see myself bout to crack her head open, and then I remember that she is the same age as my daddy. Once I calm down I pray for strength. Now that I'm calm right now at this moment, I can look at that situation and say that it is most definitely a test of my faith. God won't ever put more on me than I can bear. Even though I feel like I can't go on some days, God has given me strength to get through this. My name means strength so no matter what comes my way I have been given the strength to stand. I have to keep reminding myself that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. It does not mean that the weapon won't form. 

God will do what He say He would do
He will stand by His word
And He will come through

--Fred Hammond
